Friday, February 19, 2010

The Olympic Spirit

The start of the 2010 Winter Olympics has brought about a wonderful a sense of pride and patriotic spirit for the Canadians. Every time Adam and I visit the city centre, we get lost amongst the red sea of Canadian supporters. The fun, proud and friendly atmosphere is like no other we have experienced. We feel very welcome in the city as the people here are so friendly. Today we carried around our big Union Jack which turned out to be a real conversation starter.

For those who don’t mind queuing, there are great choices of free events taking place, from Zip lining and Ice skating in Robson Square to live concerts at Yaletown. So far Adam and I have chosen to ignore the three block line ups. However I did manage to visit the Canadian Mint Collection which involved lifting a bar of gold weighing in at 28 lbs!! And viewing the mighty Million Dollar Coin...

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